Everything About Chaga Mushroom

Inonotus obliquus, also known as the organic Chaga mushroom , is a distinct fungi species growing primarily on birch trees in cold climates, such as North America, Siberia, and Northern Europe. Although its humble appearance resembles a clump of burnt charcoal, Chaga has earned a reputation for its therapeutic properties and potential health benefits. A Part of History and Tradition Chaga has been part of traditional medicine for centuries and has a rich history in Russia and other Northern European countries. People have used it to alleviate diabetes and heart disease, boost immunity, improve overall health, and even reduce cancer symptoms. There has been a traditional way many users have used it for ages, and many use it even today—grate organic Chaga mushroom into a fine powder and brew it as herbal tea. Nutritional Profile and Health Benefits Did you know Chaga mushrooms contain low calories and high fiber and are rich in antioxidants, which make them a valuable additio...